
We would like to thank the following people for all of their help during this study. The study would not have been possible without their knowledge and dedication to conservation of our rivers.

  • Peter Agelasto for his guidance throughout the project.
  • Connie Roussos for his river expertise and his recreational endeavors that allowed us to gain a better understanding of the river and all its offerings.
  • Michael LaChance for his educating us on the needs of the community and allowing us to use the Virginia Tech Extension Service for assistance.
  • Dick Whitehead for his extensive work and assistance with the maps for this project.
  • James Beckley for providing information about Tye River monitoring from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
  • Paul Clarke and Diane Dunaway for their work with The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and getting us helpful information.
  • Alan Weaver with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for supplying information on his work with the Fish Passage program.
  • Bob West and Popie Martin for their help regarding the Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail.
  • The Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District and the entire Hardware River Project crew for being instrumental in getting this project started and giving us great materials to work with.